RI Witness

RI WitnessTM ART Management System
RI Witness uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to detect and monitor all activity in the IVF Laboratory. The system helps mitigate the risk of human error every time samples are moved from one dish or tube to another, and safeguards every step of the IVF cycle.
Throughout the lab, RI Witness readers are situated wherever work is undertaken, critically where samples are handled. Embryology heated or unheated plates with in-built RFID readers can be integrated into a worktop. They are active all day, every day, so a check cannot be overlooked.
Since 2007, RI Witness is now the world’s most established and trusted ART electronic witnessing system, installed in over 40 countries across six continents.
In addition to the core undertaking of mismatch avoidance, RI Witness offers benefits in quality control, traceability, workflow efficiency and reduced administration. Having RI Witness in your clinic builds on the trust your patients have in you. It helps you and your team have confidence that everything is as secure and efficient as possible